Walla Walla University Scholarships

Fill out our Freshman Scholarship Worksheet to see estimate what you may qualify for!

Achievement Scholarship based on GPA or test scores, whichever is higher (up to $15,000, renewable)

Out-of-Area Grant for those who live outside of Oregon or Washington ($2,500 per year, renewable)

National Merit Scholarships for those who qualify (up to $29,487, renewable)

Leadership Awards for freshman year (up to $1,500). Only first-time freshman are eligible for this award. 

Pell Partnership Scholarship for families who report adjusted gross incomes less than $60,000 (variable, renewable)

DACA Scholar Plan for DACA recipients ($23,600 up to $35,595, renewable).

Walla Walla Symphony Society Scholarships to students who are members of the symphony. More information/application at info@wwsymphony.org. (variable, renewable)

Camp Scholarship, WWU matches 75% of the student’s gross summer earnings when they work as an overnight youth-camp staff member. (up to $2,000, renewable)

MAGA Books or Colporteur Scholarship, WWU matches 75% of the student’s gross earnings. (up to $2,000, renewable)

Transfer Scholarship based on high school or college GPA (up to $10,000, renewable)

DACA Scholar Plan for DACA recipients ($23,600 up to $35,595, renewable). Find out more about the DACA Grant Plan here. 

Walla Walla Symphony Society Scholarships to students who are members of the symphony. More information/application at info@wwsymphony.org. (variable, renewable)

Youth Service Opportunities Awards, scholarships for full-time students who participate in the NPUC Youth Service Opportunities Program during summer.

Camp Scholarship, WWU matches 75% of the student’s gross summer earnings when they work as an overnight youth-camp staff member. (up to $2,000, renewable)

MAGA Books or Colporteur Scholarship, WWU matches 75% of the student’s gross earnings. (up to $2,000, renewable)

In addition to any renewable scholarships, WWU awards the following to continuing undergraduate students:

Employment Recognition Award | $300-$1,000 per year

Walla Walla University distributes a number of awards to students each spring in recognition of outstanding work. Nominations for awards are made by departments and supervisors and are for the following school year.

Additional Scholarships | Amounts vary

Additional scholarships for continuing students are offered through the generosity of alumni and friends of Walla Walla University. Awards Celebration is an annual event where over 200 scholarships are awarded to continuing students. Apply at zsdzi1.com/awards.

Yes You Can, Canada! Scholarship for new freshmen or new transfer students from Canada (cannot be a U.S. citizen) ($8,000, renewable, scholarship amount will be reviewed annually to accommodate the USD/CAD exchange rate.)

International Student Scholarship (cannot be a U.S. or Canadian citizen) for students who have an F-1 Visa (At least $18,500, renewable)

GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS: A few assistantships are available for graduate students in biology and social work doctoral program. Candidates applying for these assistantships should write to the respective department chairs.

GRADUATE DEAN'S SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: This cash award and certificate of distinction are for graduate students with exceptional academic records.  The graduate faculties nominate recipients. (Variable Renewable)

MASTER'S IN SOCIAL WORK DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP: Each student who received a Bachelor of Social Work degree from WWU and whose accumulative grade-point average was at least 3.00 is eligible for this award. Funds are disbursed one-fourth each quarter-fall, winter, spring, and summer-of the students first year in the program. Recipients may also qualify for Master's in Social Work Merit Scholarships. ($1,360 Nonrenewable)

MASTER'S IN SOCIAL WORK MERIT SCHOLARSHIP. This scholarship is awarded in recognition of an outstanding undergraduate grade-point average. One-fourth of the award is disbursed each quarter-fall, winter, spring, and summer-of a recipient's first year in the program. Recipients may also qualify for Master's in Social Work Departmental Scholarships ($500-1,000 Nonrenewable)

Undergraduate GPA
3.90 - 4.00: $1,000 ($250 Per quarter)
3.80 - 3.89: $750 ($187 per quarter)
3.70 - 3.79:  $600 ($150 per quarter)
3.50 - 3.69:  $500 (125 per quarter)

MASTER OF INITIAL TEACHING DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIPS:  Each student who holds a bachelor’s degree from WWU and whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) was at least 3.0 is eligible for this award.  Funds are disbursed one-fourth each quarter—fall, winter, spring, and summer—of the recipient’s first year in the program.  Recipients may also qualify for Master’s of Initial Teaching Merit Scholarships. ($1,360 Nonrenewable)

MASTER OF INITIAL TEACHING AND MASTER OF EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS: This scholarship is awarded in recognition of an outstanding undergraduate grade point average (GPA).  One-fourth of the scholarship is disbursed each quarter—fall, winter, spring, and summer—of a recipient’s first year in the program.  Recipients may also qualify for Master of Initial Teaching Departmental Scholarships. ($500 to 1,000 Nonrenewable)

Undergraduate GPA
3.90 - 4.00: $1,000 ($250 Per quarter)
3.80 - 3.89: $750 ($187 per quarter)
3.70 - 3.79:  $600 ($150 per quarter)
3.50 - 3.69:  $500 (125 per quarter)

Students registered for less than 12 hours will receive prorated grants and scholarships.

Scholarships are awarded to students for academic excellence, student leadership, and other accomplishments. Scholarships do not have to be repaid, and some are considered based on financial need while others are not. Listed here are a variety of scholarships available and information about searching for more scholarships beyond those listed.

Other scholarship resources

  1. Make a list of the scholarships you find. Include in your list: When is the application available? What is the due date? Is an essay required? Transcript? Where did you find it (for example, what URL)? Keep referring back to this list as deadlines approach. Allow sufficient time, so applications and essays don't appear rushed.
  2. Ask others about scholarships unique to where you live:
    • Talk to your local high school guidance counselor for scholarships from your area. You don't have to be a student at the high school to use this resource
    • If you’re a member of a credit union, ask if they offer scholarships.
    • Look for your home state’s scholarship page. Many states have complied a list of scholarships available to state residents, many available to students attending out-of-state schools.
  3. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce to find out if there are local scholarships, local community foundations, Trusts, or service clubs (Lions, Rotary) that offer scholarships.
  4. Google your major, special abilities, hobbies, and achievements. Google your city plus the word "scholarships" and your county plus the word "scholarships"—for example "Pasco Washington scholarships" and "Franklin County Washington scholarships."
  5. Don’t pay for a scholarship search. You can usually get the same information for free at fastweb.com.
  6. Apply for as many scholarships as you can. Don’t just apply for the large ones. Smaller scholarships may be less competitive, and several small scholarships can add up to some serious money! One student came in with seven outside scholarships – the largest was only $1,000 – but the total was almost $4,000!
  7. When the pool of applicants is small for a scholarship, always apply if you are eligible. For example, around Walla Walla a small electric utility company gives three scholarships to students, but the family has to be a customer of the utility company. A small pool of applicants = higher chance of a scholarship.
  8. See below for other scholarship lists and search resources.

Walla Walla University receives hundreds of requests to notify students of outside scholarships.  Although some are legitimate, the purpose of many scholarship applications is to gather student’s personal information for marketing purposes.

Because WWU does not have the resources to screen each scholarship, we have chosen not to list outside scholarships that have not been vetted. 

Students pursuing scholarships outside of WWU should be cautious and may wish to start their search by using Google or Fastweb.com.

Information about scholarships offered or managed by Washington state organizations for Washington state resident students only. 

Washington State Opportunity Scholarship
Check out this excellent scholarship for WA students pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, math or health care. Read the eligibility criteria carefully. Read more about the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship.

Go here to start financial aid process for college, whether you are 6th grader, college student, or somewhere in between! Learn more about the ReadySetGrad financial aid planner.

College Bound Scholarship
Do you qualify?  Application deadline is June 30 at end of student’s 8th grade year.  Sign up only once. ReadySetGrad College Bound Scholarship details.

American Indian Endowed Scholarship - WA State Achievement Council
Must be WA State resident to qualify. American Indian Endowed Scholarship form.

College Success Foundation
Are you a Washington state resident?  Need help with finding scholarships or filling out financial aid applications?  Get an early start with the College Success Foundation!

Washington State Fair Foundation Scholarships
This Foundation offers a number of great scholarships college students! Learn more about the Blue Ribbon Scholarship Program.

DACA Students Scholarship Opportunity
If you are a DACA student, take a look at this: Fontana Transport Inc. Scholarship

Visit the WashBoard.org!
Search and apply for verified scholarships that are specific to your academic interests, college or university, or other criteria. See the WashBoard.

Washington State GET Program
Start saving for college today.  Start early! More on the Guaranteed Education Tuition program.

Washington State School Retirees Association
Scholarships are available for incoming freshmen as well as seniors doing student teaching the next school year. More information is available at wssra.org. http://wssra.org/index.php/foundation/scholarships


Some of these scholarships require the applicant to have graduated from an area high school. Others may require Walla Walla residency. 

American Association of University Women (Walla Walla) Scholarship for women

Blue Mountain Community Foundation Scholarships

Carrie Welch Trust Scholarships

George T Welch Scholarship

FastWeb is recommended by 15,500 high schools and 3,500 colleges, FastWeb is the nation's largest, most accurate, and most frequently updated scholarship database online. You can do customized searches of over $3 billion in scholarships. Visit their website at www.fastweb.com

Financial Aid Scholarships for Disabled Students
Scholarships and information guide for students with disabilities. Scholarship awards vary, depending on the particular program.

Scholarship Opportunities for Dreamers
Thebestcolleges.org provides guidance for undocumented students. There are listings for scholarships too.

College Success Foundation
Are you a Washington state resident? Need help with finding scholarships or filling out financial aid applications? Get an early start here! www.collegesuccessfoundation.org/wa/supports-and-scholarships

Unigo Scholarship Services
Resource for scholarship and loan information and assistance. Unigo

Washington State Fair Foundation Scholarships
This foundation offers a number of great scholarships for college students.

Oregon Residents - OSAC Scholarships
There are many opportunities with Oregon student aid for students from Oregon.

OEDb.org Grants for African-Americans
The Open Education Database has a variety of grants offered for African-Americans.

Learn.org Bachelor Degree and Master Degree Scholarship Programs
Learn.org offers a number of scholarships. Check out their website for their latest scholarship offerings at www.learn.org

GoAbroad.com Scholarships
GoAbroad.com has opportunities for students wanting to study abroad.

Study.com Academic Scholarships
Study.com lists scholarships available to undergraduates, graduates, and for distance learning.

Psychology Scholarships
Psychology.org has scholarships specifically for psychology students.

MoneyGeek Scholarship Search
MoneyGeek is a tool that can help you search for scholarships.

Affordable Colleges Scholarships for Minorities
Affordablecolleges.com has a list of scholarships for minorities.

Affordable Colleges Online
Affordable Colleges Foundation offers a comprehensive, no-cost guidebook for students to understand the financial aid processes and opportunities. Check out their website here: www.affordablecollegesonline.org/financial-aid/financial-aid-for-online-colleges.

College Resource Network
Check out scholarship opportunities at the easy to use free scholarship search engine. Visit their website at www.collegeresourcenetwork.com.

GoCollege.com offers free content to help you understand, find, and apply for more scholarship opportunities. "Finding College Scholarships" can be found at www.gocollege.com/goscholarshipsearch/.
A new scholarship offered right now at GoCollege.com is the Abacus Scholarship: Every Student Counts. Check it out at www.gocollege.com/abacus

Northwest Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars is a volunteer driven national network of more than 1,200 community based scholarship foundations serving nearly 4,000 communities across the United State in support of local students. View their website at www.scholarshipamerica.org

Public Health Scholarships
Check out these scholarships for undergraduates, graduates, or specialized degrees. Go to: www.publichealthonline.org/scholarships-and-grants/

AccreditedOnlineColleges.org Scholarship Search
Pursuing, or interested in, a counseling degree and need financial resources. Check out scholarship opportunities at www.AccreditedOnlineColleges.org

An Outstanding Free Publication.
Take the time now to call the following toll free number to have a free publication called "Paying for College" mailed to your home. This publication, produced by the Northwest Education Loan Association (NELA), provides a comprehensive guide on applying for financial aid. It also provides occupational information, sample college costs and provides a financial need worksheet. Call them at (800) 979-4441.

Scholarship.com website offers a wealth of information and guidance to college students who are looking for available scholarships and loans. For more information, go to www.scholarships.com

WellsFargo sponsors this site that offers a variety of scholarships. Sign up, take a look, and get education funding! For more information, go to www.tuitionfundingsources.com!

Visit theWashBoard.org!
Search and apply for verified scholarships that are specific to your academic interests, college or university, or other criteria. Check it out at www.thewashboard.org.

NursesLink Nursing Student Scholarship
NursesLink.org is offering a variety of scholarships for those pursuing nursing degrees as well as non-nursing degrees. Check these out at nurseslink.org

Free Scholarship Search
Search through hundreds of scholarships online. View the website at http://college-scholarships.com/

StudentsScholarships.org lists a variety of scholarships. For more information, visit www.studentscholarships.org

Aviation Scholarships
The Federal Aviation Administration has a list of scholarships just for Aviation students. Check them out at www.faa.gov/education/grants_and_scholarships/aviation/

Diversity Nursing Scholarships
Check out and apply for nursing scholarships at Diversitynursing.com

EduMed Nursing Scholarships

EduMed has a variety of scholarships for Nursing Students. For more information, visit http://www.edumed.org/financial-aid/scholarships/.

The total amount of scholarships, grants, and subsidy (from all sources) which a student receives cannot exceed WWU's packaging budget in any given year. If the total does exceed the packaging budget, the award from WWU will be reduced. 

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